Sometimes Australia can feel like another world. We are isolated and have a completely different set of rules, wildlife, and landscapes compared to the rest of the world. We are a fairly relaxed lot as a nation but there are a few things tourists can avoid doing that will make their visit much more enjoyable and slightly less trouble.

1. Don’t foget to say thanks to the bus driver
Bus is a common public traffic in many countries, people tent to get in and get off the bus quickly and forget say thanks to the driver but in Australia you should remember to do that. As you jump off the bus, give your driver a friendly wave and make their day a little bit better.
2. Don’t ignore the flags at the beach
You might feel as though you’re a strong and competent swimmer, or you might see our crystal clear waters and be tempted to dive in right away. But you must still be on the lookout for surf life-savers though and swim between the flags they have put up. Waters can turn nasty VERY quickly in Australia, and before you know it you’re being sucked into a rip and struggling to get out.
3. Don’t head outside without sunscreen
The sun in Australia is different from your country. Ten minutes in the summer sun and you can be suffering from third degree burns (I know this from personal experience!). Don’t risk it – lather up with sunscreen and do your best to stay out of direct sunlight. Staying hydrated is just as important as there’s nothing quite like a severe episode of Aussie dehydration. It’s much like the worst hangover of your life, but may require hospitalisation.
4. Don’t talk loudly on a quiet carriage during peak-hour commute
This one is just purely following the rules. There are signs before you jump on the train stating which carriage is the quiet one. If you’re one of the few that dare to Facetime your friends while you’re on this carriage, don’t be surprised if you have people letting you know you’re in the wrong place!
5. Never drive fast or drunk
I think this is true in many countries. You may be able to get away with this in some countries, but it’s something Australia is REALLY strict about. The undercover police and cameras are sneaky and will emerge when you least expect it – especially during holiday seasons. Better to be safe than sorry.
6. Don’t stay anywhere suburban and away from public transport
In a huge country like Australia, you should remember this point. Unless you’ve hired a scar, getting around suburbia can be difficult and you can feel isolated quickly. Your best bet is to stay near a train or tram line where you’re guaranteed a regular and reliable service. In some cities, even buses during the day can be a bit hit and miss.
7. Never underestimate a storm warning
If there is one thing Australia does well, it’s putting on an impressive storm. Remember, a big chunk of the country is sub-tropical so we do get tropical storms and cyclones. If there are warnings for a storm, be on guard. Don’t attempt to drive through flooded roads, camp near big trees, or swim in closed waters.
8. Never swim at just any beach (beware of crocs, stingers, sharks etc.)
Be clear about the risks and dangerous animals in a strange beach before you swim. If you’re swimming close to the bigger cities – such as Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, and Brisbane – you’re generally good to go. However, if you’re on the West Coast (shark central) or anywhere else, do some research first. You will find some of the most inviting and stunning waters, but also some of the deadliest creatures.
9. Don’t assume kangaroos are cuddly creatures
They might be one of our most famous and cute-looking animals, but they have a pretty intense boot on them. You might find our sweet wallabies more your style if you want to get up close and personal, don’t try and take a kangaroo on!
10. Never hike in the Outback alone
Our rugged landscape might look appealing for a long weekend of camping and hiking, but you’re much safer going with a small group. There are so many factors to consider in the Australian Outback – dangerous weather, poisonous snakes and spiders, plus brutal dehydrating conditions. Just play it safe and don’t do a hike alone!